Six Things You Should Know About The National Television And Computer Recycling Scheme

1. What Is The National Television And Computer Recycling Scheme? The National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme (NTCRS) was established in 2011 and provides Australian households with access to collection and recycling services for old televisions, computers and other related equipment. 2. What Are The Goals Of The Recycling Scheme? The NTCRS sets annually increasing […]
What Can Supermarkets Recycle?

In an ideal world supermarkets would sell everything that they buy. There would be no waste, and supermarket managers wouldn’t need to worry about recycling. In the real world, supermarkets need to dispose of millions of cartons, damaged goods and large amounts of food hitting its expiry date. On top of that, supermarkets generate a […]
How Dell Is Tackling The Global E-waste Disposal Problem

Did you know that in 2014 the world produced 42 million tonnes of e-waste? It’s a figure that is set to grow with our insatiable appetites for electronic gadgets and a growing, more affluent world population. Fortunately, the electronics industry is taking this issue seriously, and one company that is setting the pace on recycling […]
How Frogs Helped Invent Batteries

The story of the invention of batteries nicely illustrates how an unexpected observation can stimulate curious minds and lead to new inventions with world-changing results. It begins in 1780 with Luigi Galvani dissecting a frog attached to a brass hook. When he touched the frog’s leg with an iron scalpel it twitched. Galvani’s friend, Alessandro […]
The Easy Way To Recycle Batteries

Australia has a pretty poor record when it comes to battery recycling. Over 90% of dead batteries, hundreds of thousands a year, end up in landfill. It just adds to our waste problem and increases the risk of toxic chemicals polluting our environment. It’s also a waste of valuable, reusable resources. The good news is, […]
What Can Schools Recycle?

There are so many things Australian schools can easily recycle, and starting a recycling program is a great way to get local community members such as students, parents and teachers involved. Take a look at our school recycling guide and see all the things that can be recycled to help make a difference. Recycle The […]
How Your Workplace Can Run Its Own Battery Recycling Scheme

Did you know that old batteries can be recycled? Even better, did you know you could set up your own workplace scheme in the office or warehouse to collect old batteries from both work and home? Join the thousands of Australian workplaces making a real difference. Recycling your old batteries makes a real contribution to cleaning up the environment, and it’s dead […]
Why My Phone Battery Never Lasts A Day: 4 Tips To Make Your Battery Last Longer

We all share the pain of our smartphone dying when we need it the most, which leaves us thinking “why did I play that extra game of Candy Crush?!”. Ten years ago, phone batteries lasted for days without needing a charge but now, the battery indicator drops even quicker. So, what is happening with your […]
Four Easy Steps To Recycling Fluorescent Bulbs And Lighting

Ecocycle is Australia’s largest fluorescent lights recycling company. We also recycle light bulbs that don’t contain mercury. In Australia, disposing of light bulbs usually means dumping millions of them into landfill. The problem is, fluorescent tubes and compact fluorescent lamps contain mercury. It may only be a small amount per lamp, but with such large […]
Tiny Villains Of Mercury Pollution Are More Common Than We Thought

While mercury in its metallic form is toxic, a bigger problem occurs when mercury spreads into the environment. Once mercury is released into the environment, some types of bacteria convert the metal into methylmercury. This is a far more poisonous substance. It is readily absorbed by fish and other animals, and can build up to […]
What Can Other Countries Teach Us About Battery Recycling?

When it comes to recycling batteries, Australia’s has a lot of room for improvement. A detailed study commissioned by the Australian Battery Recycling Initiative (ABRI) in 2010 showed that out of a total of 11,904 tonnes of waste handheld batteries (those that weigh less than one kilogram) just 750 tonnes (pdf) were responsibly recycled. That’s a […]