Mercury Recovery & Recycling

e-Waste Recycling & Mercury Recovery

If you’ve got e-waste, let one of Australia’s most experienced e-waste recyclers tailor the perfect solution for you.

E-waste disposal solutions tailored to your needs

We have collection solutions for all sizes, from boxes to stillages and crane trucks, ensuring there’s no waste we can’t collect.

We accept and recycle all types of e-waste including computers, televisions, mobile phones and game consoles. Additionally, your old hard drives are disposed of in a way to wipe old data, keeping your privacy safe.

Safe Removal of Mercury from e-Waste

Within the EcoE-waste business the small fluoro tubes in older non-LCD tvs, laptops and monitors have a variety of compounds containing within them, including mercury.  Ecocycle will take those small tubes containing mercury and reprocess them through their MRT crush and separation plants around Australia, recovering mercury from the powder collected.  

Ecocycle can safely remove those small mercury containing tubes from TV’s, monitors and lap tops with its robotic, AI fully enclosed recycling machine.  All mercury is contained within a sealed filtered room to ensure no mercury or vapours can escape.  The tubes are safely collected by our trained staff for recycling through our crush  and seperator equipment, recovering the mercury powder for distilling and refinement.

Eco e-Waste - your electronics recycler

EcoE-waste is our specialist electronics recycling company that has the national coverage to pick up, process and sort all e-waste arisings into a comprehensive range of materials that are suitable for a range of recycling processes.

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