The Victorian Energy Efficiency Target (VEET) makes it cheaper for both businesses and householders to improve their energy efficiency. Since launching in January 2009, VEET provides a rebate for replacing old, inefficient appliances or sealing windows. A major area is getting rid of halogen lights and fluorescent tubes, and replacing them with LEDs, creating a fantastic opportunity for electrical contractors.
Mercury is the most hazardous metal on the EPA’s list of industrial pollutants. If not handled or recycled correctly it is a very potent neurotoxin to humans. The largest source of mercury pollution entering our landfills is from the dumping of mercury containing fluorescent tubes and HID lamps. Australians consume over 60 million fluorescent tubes and HID lamps every year. Only around 10% of these are recycled, with the balance being dumped into landfill.
Ecocycle is looking to work with government to introduce a 'hands on' recycling and learning experience that could change attitudes in future generations, as well as educating them on the importance of responsible recycling.
It’s about changing minds and cultures, and empowering our future leaders with new ways of thinking and acting.
We are here to help. Search through our questions and answers regarding products containing mercury and what you can recycle in lighting, e-waste and dental and medical. products If you don't find the answer you are looking for, please contact us via our website form.
The Ecocycle group is arguably Australia’s foremost group of recycling companies offering reliable efficient and sustainable solutions.
This new business aims to tackle the recycling of hard and soft plastics and convert them into re-usable plastic pallets
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Contact us on 1300 32 62 92 or get in touch with us online.
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