
Company News

Visit Us At The 2015 Australasian Waste & Recycling Expo
The Australasian Waste & Recycling Expo is on at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre from 12-13 August, and we’ll be there. The expo is free to anyone looking for waste management and recycling solutions. Ecocycle is the only mercury recycler to be fully licensed by the Environmental Protection Agencies in each state to handle the entire process of recycling mercury-containing waste. We are ideally placed to help you dispose of fluorescent tubes and bulbs, dental amalgam w…
Find What You’re Looking For On Our New Website
Since our change of ownership earlier this year we’ve been working hard to re-commission equipment, process the backlog of waste left by the former owners and restore Ecocycle to its position as Australia’s premier recycler of mercury. To compliment these changes behind the scenes, we’ve also created a brand new website. The new website reflects our commitment to protecting the environment and providing an outstanding level of service to all of our customers. It focuses on the main industries…
Come And See Us At The 2014 ADIA Victorian Dental Show
On August 22 & 23 Ecocycle will be joining more than 70 other exhibitors at the 2014 ADIA Victorian Dental Show. With practice-friendly opening hours, this show is a fantastic opportunity for dentists and allied oral healthcare professionals to see the latest in dental equipment and services from Australia and overseas. As Australia’s only fully EPA-licensed recycler of mercury, we’ll be explaining the benefits and options for the simple and safe collection and recycling of mercury ama…
Ecocycle Now Under New Ownership
The assets and business name Ecocycle have been purchased from the receivers of CMA Recycling, PPB, and the business is now under the management of Nick Dodd and Doug Rowe. Doug is the owner of Recycal, a leading Australian-based integrated recycling group that provides a range of recycling services to industry. As previous owners of Ecocycle we have been appalled at the way CMA have left the site and the equipment. Over $1 million of waste was left on the Campbellfield site and, in violation…
SA Power Networks Recycle Lighting With Ecocycle
SA Power Networks, formerly ETSA Utilities, is South Australia’s electricity distributor. Its street lighting is recycled with Ecocycle in Wingfield. Check the links below for more information:  …
Amalgam separators capture mercury to keep it out of the environment
Originally known as the Melbourne Dental Hospital, The Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne has been operating since 1890, providing a variety of dental services to the public, including many decades of dental restorations using mercury-containing amalgam. Ecocycle discussed managing the dental amalgam waste from the Royal Melbourne Dental Hospital with Facilities Manager Paul Horsington.  After a thorough system assessment, a proposal to handle the amalgam wastes was developed, approved and su…


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